Altitude Sickness

Where is it ?

Travel to certain popular destinations such as Quito, Tibet, Le Paz, Cusco, Macchu Pichu, Kilimanjaro and the Mount Everest region may incur a risk for Altitude Sickness in the traveler.

What is it ?

Common symptoms of altitude sickness are vomiting, headaches, nausea, confusion, fatigue and lack of coordination.

The symptoms are often brought on by a rapid ascent and exertion. If you experience these symptoms you must stop ascending and you may need to descend to resolve the symptoms. Failure to do so may result in more serious conditions.

More severe symptoms due to accumulation of water in the lungs (HAPE = High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) and in the brain (HACE= High Altitude Cerebral Edema) can also occur.These problems can be life threatening and may necessitate emergency evacuation.

Preventing & Managing it

After arriving at a high altitude destination try to rest for a couple of days, drink plenty of fluids and stay warm.

There are a variety of medications available to prevent and treat altitude sickness.

Call the GTA travel clinic for an appointment to see which medications or measures are appropriate for you on your trip. 1-844 303 1900

Book an Appointment


 1-844 303-1900