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Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral illness that is spread by infected mosquitoes.

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Dengue fever occurs in Southeast Asia and the Pacific and is increasingly common in Central and South America and the Caribbean (see the map below). The distribution of Dengue Fever is changing quite rapidly.

The symptoms of Dengue Fever include headaches, fever, joint and muscle pains, nausea and a rash 3-5 days later. Most people recover but Dengue Fever can be deadly due to internal bleeding and shock. Symptoms can take up to 2 weeks to develop. If they do, please let your doctor know about your trip.

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A vaccine for Dengue Fever is in development but not yet available.

Protection against Dengue Fever rests primarily in strong measures taken to prevent mosquito bites. There is no specific treatment for Dengue Fever.