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super strawberry pie

Eat carefully

Steaming-hot, well-cooked food is usually safest. Always be careful eating foods from street vendors and unpasteurized dairy products. During Hajj time many food vendors along the street will have meat precooked on the side in preparation of large crowds of customers. Insist on having your food made fresh from the grill/rotisserie. Also peel fruits you purchase from vendors for yourself. Each time you serve yourself from the buffet use a hand sanitizer prior to eating

Zamzam water is readily available throughout the mosques. In Mecca and Medina there are metal cups in the wudu area that many people drink from and is also used to perform wudu. AVOID using the metal cups to drink out of, as you can pick up an infection from it if a sick Hajji used it prior to you. There are plenty of disposable cups throughout the mosque for drinking, ensure that you have picked up an unused disposable cup and use it instead.

super strawberry pie

If you decide to visit a restaurant, the water may not be from Zamzam. Therefore at such places drink water only from commercially sealed bottles or drink carbonated beverages (pop/soda). Avoid ice as it may have been made from unclean water. Finally depending on where your accommodations are, use bottled/Zamzam water when you brush your teeth.