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Influenza Vaccine in Toronto

Why get vaccinated?

Winter walks

Influenza, most commonly know as "the flu" is a contagious disease caused by the influenza virus and is spread by sneezing, coughing or nasal secretions.

Anyone can get influenza and normally lasts for a few days.

Some symptoms are: fever, sore throat, chills, fatigue, cough, headache and muscle aches.

It can be dangerous for those who suffer from heart or breathing conditions and may also lead to pneumonia. On average 226,000 people per year are hospitalized because of influenza and 36,000 die who are mostly elderly. The influenza vaccine is very effective at preventing influenza.

The Influenza vaccine

There are two types of influenza vaccine.

Inactivated (killed) vaccine, or the "flu shot" is given by injection into the muscle.
Live (weakened) vaccine is sprayed into the nostrils.

It takes up to 2 weeks for protection to develop after the shot and lasts up to a year.

See View

Because influenza strains are always changing the vaccines are updated very year and an annual vaccination is recommended.

Who should get inactivated influenza vaccine?

Vaccinate to protect yourself and those around you

All children 6 months and older and all adults in the autumn for the current Influenza season.

All travelers to areas of the world where there is an Influenza season during the travel period.

     To get your Influenza vaccine call the GTA Travel Clinic and Vaccination Centre at 905 303 1900. We cover the Toronto, Richmond Hill and Woodbridge areas for Influenza Vaccine

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Please note: The information in this document is provided for general information purposes only. Nothing takes the place of speaking with a travel doctor. This information and your receipt thereof is not intended to be, nor shall be deemed to be, informed consent by you to any medical care or treatment whatsoever. Please consult our doctors at the GTA Travel Clinic and Vaccination Centre for a proper medical assessment.

Please note that the doctor's consultation for Influenza vaccine is covered by O.H.I.P, and the vaccine is also a benefit of O.H.I.P.