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Typhoid Fever Vaccine in Toronto

Typhoid fever is a serious bacterial illness that is spread by consuming contaminated food and water.

fruit tray side view

Following infection, symptoms begin 7-14 days later. They include high fever, chills, loss of appetite, stomach pains, headaches and fatigue.

Typhoid fever can be deadly in up to 16% of cases.

There is an alarming rise in resistance to the antibiotics used to treat Typhoid. Vaccination together with careful choice of food and water is the best means of protection.


worldwide distribution typhoid fever


In travelers 75% of cases of Typhoid fever occur in people visiting friends and relatives..

Typhoid Fever strikes 21 Million people a year.


On your return home you can still spread the illness to others.

Vaccination for Typhoid Fever is extremely safe and effective.

     To get your Typhoid (Typherix, Typhim) vaccine call the GTA Travel Clinic and Vaccination Centre at 905 303 1900. We cover the Toronto, Richmond Hill and Woodbridge areas for Typhoid Vaccine

Please note: The information in this document is provided for general information purposes only. Nothing takes the place of speaking with a travel doctor. This information and your receipt thereof is not intended to be, nor shall be deemed to be, informed consent by you to any medical care or treatment whatsoever. Please consult our doctors at the GTA Travel Clinic and Vaccination Centre for a proper medical assessment.

Please note that the vaccine is not a benefit of O.H.I.P.

If you have private health insurance through work or school you may be covered for vaccines. With your payment we will provide you with an invoice (with the unique Drug Identification Number for each vaccine) so you can claim your expenses back from your insurance company.

Insurance companies will require Drug Identification Numbers for each vaccine in order to reimburse you.

Click here to find the names and phone numbers of major Insurance Companies.