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Physical Conditioning

One of the most challenging aspects of the pilgrimage is the amount of physical exercise that is required during the pilgrimage. Often a complete set of tawaf can approach a few kilometres worth of distance. Needless to say it would be ideal to prepare oneself physically for the journey by starting an exercise program. What makes the tawaf even more challenging is that it is done barefoot on hard marble floors. Occasionally patients who have diabetes will have trouble with their feet due to complications of severe diabetes. Dry feet are prone to cracking and can lead to wound infections and pain. For that reason travelers should purchase a non-perfumed lotion from the pharmacy. This will keep the skin moisturized and prevent cracking/infection. Protecting the feet from skin infections is important to all pilgrims especially those who suffer from complications of diabetes. Of note, it is important to choose a skin product that will allow water to penetrate it, thus ensuring ones wudu is not compromised.

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Avoid Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)


DVT is a type of blood clot in the leg that can develop in people after prolonged flights. It is very dangerous.

In order to decrease the likelihood of developing a DVT during your airplane flight, purchase elastic compression stockings, (especially if your feet tend to swell), to wear during the duration of your flight.

Wear loose, baggy clothing and drink plenty of fluids during the flight.

Finally, stand up and stretch your arms and legs every couple of hours.

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Taking Care of Your Body

The Hajj can be physically strenuous, thus one cannot emphasize enough the importance of physically preparing yourself prior to the journey. While overseas, it is essential to get good rest, eat well and drink plenty of fluids.

The sun is also prominent during the day so pack a white umbrella and sunglasses to protect against the sun. Drinking plenty of water will help against dehydration and heat stroke. Furthermore, night temperatures can dip into single digits (Celsius) so ensure a sweater is packed for the tents in Mena and Muzdalifa.